Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 2013 - counting chickens

Because I like to worry about things well ahead of time (or not at all), I did research today on paying taxes on royalties received from book self-publishing. (It looks like I'll be able to file my taxes using cheap tax prep software the way I always have, which is nice.) Then I did research on metadata. (I'm wondering how many terms or words I can put into metadata - and I wonder how hilarious that's going to get. Does anyone even search Amazon for "painplay"? Is "erotica with plot" even a thing yet, or is that considered "hardcore romance"?)

Now I'm really trying to tell myself not to a) convert the other book I have written, which I talked about in the last post, or b) start on an idea that has suddenly become very exciting. I've figured out how it starts, but I don't know where it will go after that. I think I had better have at least a vague game plan before I start, though, or else I feel it will ramble or get otherwise out of control.

Confession: I don't have much confidence in my own writing abilities, but I do love to write. I also write the kind of things I would like to read. Considering some of the topics I've written about, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Oh, I wish I didn't have a weekend full of non-writing work in front of me.

1 comment:

  1. Have confidence! You're a great writer :) More power!
