Sunday, August 25, 2013

Firebirds cover choices!

All right. I have four six nine choices for this cover. I have the ability to change fonts/colors of words and layouts; I have less flexibility about art, unless someone finds some free for commercial use or public domain artwork. It is, of course, okay for you to say you don't like any of the covers shown - but I would ask that you at least give me some direction on what would work instead.

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Row 5

Current votes:
Row 1 left: 3
Row 1 right: 3
Row 2 left: 2
Row 2 right: 0
Row 3 left: 1
Row 3 right: 1
Row 4 left: 0
Row 4 right: 1
Row 5 left: 0


  1. Top right. Love it!

  2. I do like bottom left, but perhaps you could change the font of your name to something a little more 'classic' like the one used in the first cover?

    Just my two cents :)

  3. lower right, second favorite is top left. I do like bottom left too, but your name is stronger than the title so it's a bit distracting, maybe it should be smaller and moved a bit left and have the white border removed.

  4. My new vote is Row 4, right one. Second favorite is Row 2, left.
